React setTimeout Gotchas


If you want to access a state prop inside of setTimeout, use Thanks to a discussion on Github:


All you need to know about Azure AD Application, Web App and Web API authorization


Take advantage of Azure AD to secure you Web APIs. Users with active accounts can seamlessly work with your applications that leverage API secured with Azure AD.

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NPM vs YARN Commands



Azure AD OAuth Authorization Flows


Understand how Azure AD OAuth authorization flows works. There are different types of OAuth flows depending on the kind of application.

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What are Azure Application Objects and Service Principals?


Want to understand Application Objects and Service principals? This post will explain the differences between the two and how applications are added to Azure AD.

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How to Access SharePoint using an Application Context


Learn how to access SharePoint using an application context, also known as app-only.

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How to test PnP JS in a browser


Wouldn’t it be great if we could just open our browser, log in to our SharePoint site, and use the browser to do our testing?

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SharePoint REST API Proxy for local Front-end development


There are times when you might want to test your application against real data in SharePoint, instead of mock data. Wouldn’t is be great if we could have a proxy to send these requests to, and it will take care of all the authentication stuff for us.

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How to Access SharePoint Entities and Operations Using REST Endpoints


SharePoint exposes a REST interface that allows us to perform basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on its entities. These operations are performed by constructing a RESTful HTTP request, using the OData standard, that corresponds to the client object model API you want to use. Each SharePoint entity is exposed at an endpoint Read

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What is SharePoint PnP? Why should I consider it?


SharePoint PnP reduces the amount of code you write. PnP is essentially, a trimmed version of the Client Side Object Model (CSOM) and the JavaScript Object Model (JSOM) libraries.

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