Azure Naming Conversion
On 2 minutesThe base rules are
- Use lowercase
- Use hyphens where permitted
- Suffix resources with the resource type
General Services
<project>-<environment/label>[-<number>][-<location>]-<resource common name>
Child Services
<project>-<environment/label>[-<number>][-<location>]-<resource common name>-<child resource common name>
Below are the definition of the parameters.
This could be the internal name of the project or the name of a client’s project. Example could be NCR123.
- Environment: Most companies and agencies have dev and staging environments, or cost centers.
- Label can be a branch name, a release version or any label. Example v1-2-3. It could be the OS type for virtual machines.
It can be a combination of both, separated by a hyphen.
This is an optional parameter. Useful when you have multiple instances of the same resources.
An optional parameter. This indicates the geographic location of the resource.
Resource common name
Azure services mostly have generally accepted abbreviations. Like VM for Virtual Machine. Where there are no common accepted abbreviations, make your own standard abbreviations
Resource/Service: | Short Code: | Long Code: |
Subscription | sub | sub |
Resource Group | rg | rg |
Virtual Machine | vm | vm |
Availability Set | avs | avset |
Virtual Network | vn | vnet |
Subnet | sub | subnet |
Public IP Address | pip | publicip |
Network Security Group | nsg | networksg |
Storage Account | stg | storage |
TrafficManager | tm | trafficmgmr |
Load Balancer | lb | loadbalancer |
Application Gateway | agw | appgateway |
App Service | svc | appsvc |
Key Vault | kv | kv |
App Service Plan | asp | appplan |
Sql Database | sdb | sqldatabase |
Sql Server | sql | sqlserver |
Disk | dsk | disk |
DNS Zone | dns | dnszone |
Log Analytics | loa | loganalytics |
Logic App | log | logapp |
Network Interface | nif | netinterface |
Virtual Machines
ncr123-win-01-vm-pip //public IP associated with vm (child resource)
App Service
ncr123-prd-euw- appplan //app service plan in West Europe
ncr123-prd- appplan //app service plan
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