SharePoint Person or Group Field Properties
On < 1 minuteThis post serves as a reference for anyone working with SharePoint REST Api. The SharPoint person or group field exposes a handful of important properties. When you select people or group field from a SharePoint lists/libraries, you can use the expand property of the rest query to get many properties from this field. The following are properties available to you when you expand the person or group field.
- Id
- LastName
- FirstName
- Name
- Department
- JobTitle
- MobileNumber
- AboutMe
- SIPAddress
- Modified
- Created
- Account
- IsSiteAdmin
- Deleted
- Hidden
- Picture
- ContentTypeID
- ContentType
You can filter on these properties (for example the Id) by appending
?$select=Vendor/Name&$expand=Contacts&$filter=Vendor/Id eq 1
the query part of an to API request.