How to Access SharePoint using an Application Context


Learn how to access SharePoint using an application context, also known as app-only.

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How to test PnP JS in a browser


Wouldn’t it be great if we could just open our browser, log in to our SharePoint site, and use the browser to do our testing?

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SharePoint REST API Proxy for local Front-end development


There are times when you might want to test your application against real data in SharePoint, instead of mock data. Wouldn’t is be great if we could have a proxy to send these requests to, and it will take care of all the authentication stuff for us.

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How to Access SharePoint Entities and Operations Using REST Endpoints


SharePoint exposes a REST interface that allows us to perform basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on its entities. These operations are performed by constructing a RESTful HTTP request, using the OData standard, that corresponds to the client object model API you want to use. Each SharePoint entity is exposed at an endpoint Read

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What is SharePoint PnP? Why should I consider it?


SharePoint PnP reduces the amount of code you write. PnP is essentially, a trimmed version of the Client Side Object Model (CSOM) and the JavaScript Object Model (JSOM) libraries.

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Create SharePoint Field Types with XML Using PnP PowerShell


Get to know ShaprePoint Field Definition Schema and how to use it with PnP Powershell

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SharePoint Person or Group Field Properties


The SharPoint person or group field exposes a handful of important properties. This post will list them and serve as a reference to anyone who needs it.

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SharePoint REST API request header


The usual way to call the SharePoint REST API was to include in the header request: accept: application/json; odata=verbose. The good news is that, this header is now optional, and more OData options have been added.

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