Using the new PnP provisioning engine, you can export the schema for an existing document library or list, then import it in a new environment.
Posts about SharePoint, a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office.
Using the new PnP provisioning engine, you can export the schema for an existing document library or list, then import it in a new environment.
This is the final post on our series of Azure Application objects and securing APIs secured with Azure AD. As we have seen throughout this series, the central point for authentication and permissions is the Azure AD Application Object. Microsoft has already provisioned and application object named SharePoint Online Client Extensibility in every Azure AD and Read
To remove the title area from a modern page, you have two options. Option 1 Change the page layout to from Article to Home by editing it SharePoint Designer. Option 2 Copy the default home page and use it for the new page you want to create. Side Note If you are interested in single Read
A tip on how to disable the total views & like button on a modern page
A curated list of SharePoint list template id.
The table below list the ms-fontSize-[size] classes sizes for fluent UI.
The SharePoint framework manifest.json file contains configurable properties for a web part. It is therefore vital to understand the parts making up this .json file.
Using OneDrive sync, users can sync the whole SharePoint Document library to their computers, make changes on their desktop and all the changes automatically sync back to SharePoint when they have Internet Connection
This post shows how to detect the environment or display mode in that a SharePoint framework webpart is running in.
You can change the header color of your SharePoint online sites by using the following steps: You can go to Office 365 admin center Go to Settings > Org. Settings Select the Organization Profile tab Select Custom themes Under Navigation bar color settings, select your preferred background color.